Weekly columns at Pseagles.com

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June 13, 2017 - Hyde Amendment Showdown on Obamacare
June 6, 2017 - Trump Should Call His Opponents’ Bluff
May 30, 2017 - Travel Ban Thwarted by Judicial Supremacy‎
May 23, 2017 - Despite Record Reporting Bias, Trump’s Base Remains Solid
May 16, 2017 - Election Integrity Will Make America Great Again
May 9, 2017 - How to Pay for the Wall
May 2, 2017 - Missile Defense Needed Against North Korea
April 25, 2017 - 100 Reasons to Celebrate Trump’s First 100 Days
April 18, 2017 - Trump’s “Buy American, Hire American”
April 11, 2017 - Fourth Circuit ‘Lawyers Up’ Against Trump
April 4, 2017 - End NFL Subsidies as It Moves to Gambling
March 28, 2017 - Sessions Warns Sanctuary Cities
March 21, 2017 - Trump Puts Economic Nationalism on the Agenda
March 14, 2017 - Making American Civilization Great Again
March 7, 2017 - Trump Battles the ‘Shadow Government’
February 28, 2017 - States Are Rejecting a ‘Horrible Idea’
February 21, 2017 - New Deportation Policies Advance Trump’s Agenda
February 14, 2017 - Judges Join the ‘Resistance’
February 7, 2017 - Trump versus the Judge
January 31, 2017 - Trump Ejects Obama Holdover
January 24, 2017 - The Darkness of the Women’s March
January 17, 2017 - The Hazing of the President
January 10, 2017 - Obamacare Repeal Is on the Way
January 3, 2017 - Stay Engaged: The Battle Resumes on Jan. 20


December 27, 2016 - Trump, the Great Communicator on Twitter
December 20, 2016 - How Obama Stole Christmas
December 13, 2016 - Could Hillary Hijack the Electoral College?
December 6, 2016 - Trump Starts Draining the Swamp
November 29, 2016 - Trump Has a Point About Illegal Votes
November 22, 2016 - Trump Assembles His ‘Dream Cabinet’
November 15, 2016 - We Still Need the Electoral College
November 8, 2016 - The Choice, Not An Echo
November 1, 2016 - The Dangers of Early Voting
October 25, 2016 - Is the Election Rigged?
October 18, 2016 - Trump Takes on the Global Elite
October 11, 2016 - Trump Takes Charge
October 4, 2016 - Courts Hang in Balance of the Election
September 28, 2016 - How Trump Can Win the Women's Vote
September 21, 2016 - Phyllis Schlafly, 1924-2016
September 14, 2016 - Reflections by John Schlafly
September 7, 2016 - Trump in Mexico Recalls Reagan in Geneva
August 31, 2016 - Setback for the Transgender Agenda
August 24, 2016 - Obama Is Still Transforming America
August 17, 2016 - Lesson of 'The Snake'
August 10, 2016 - Republicans and Democrats on Women in Combat
August 3, 2016 - Platforms Offer a Stark Choice
July 27, 2016 - Trump’s Speech Trumped Cruz
July 20, 2016 - How Pence Complements Trump
July 13, 2016 - Trump Battles Globalist Republicans
July 6, 2016 - Trump’s Muslim Ban Gains Support
June 29, 2016 - Brexit Stuns the Globalists
June 22, 2016 - Exposing the Common Core Fraud
June 15, 2016 - Congress Is Close to Drafting Our Daughters
June 8, 2016 - Put the Wall in the Platform
June 1, 2016 - Diseases Cross Open Borders
May 25, 2016 - Failed Republicans Want to Rewrite the Constitution
May 18, 2016 - Male and Female Still Matter in Combat
May 11, 2016 - No Third-Party Candidate
May 4, 2016 - We Don’t Need Voting by Murderers
April 27, 2016 - Obama’s Legacy Tour
April 20, 2016 - College Students Do Not Get Their Money’s Worth
April 13, 2016 - Feminists Can’t Get Over Clarence Thomas
April 6, 2016 - Chinese Crowding Our College Campuses
March 30, 2016 - Brussels and the Border
March 23, 2016 - No Confirmation of Supreme Court Nominee
March 16, 2016 - Candidates Turn Against Trade Deals
March 9, 2016 - Republicans Debate Guest Workers
March 2, 2016 - End Favoritism for the Abortion Industry
February 24, 2016 - How Common Core Ended the Bush Dynasty
February 17, 2016 - Justice Scalia’s Untimely Death Should Wake Up Congress
February 10, 2016 - Republicans Debate: Should Women Be Drafted?
February 3, 2016 - America's Last Chance
January 27, 2016 - Undercover Video Exposes Common Core
January 20, 2016 - Will the Republican Establishment Stand Down?
January 13, 2016 - Obamacare Is on Life Support
January 6, 2016 - Arne Has Left the Building

Click on a topic of columns (2016 total in parentheses):

*Trump (16)
*Election (15)
*Obama (4)
*Immigration (5)
*Education (6)
*Gender (5)
*Globalism (10)
*Platform (3)
*Obamacare (1)
*Con Con (1)
*Abortion (1)

Additional categories in other years include category:marriage (also has family issues), category:national security, category:courts, category:religion, category:welfare and category:Constitution (2014). For the topic of "free trade," it is included under "globalism".

2015 Columns

Omnibus Attack on American Jobs -- 12-30-15

Ryan Leads Republicans to Defeat -- 12-23-15

Donald Trump Channels Pat McCarran -- 12-16-15

An American Apologizes in Paris -- 12-09-15

Time to Leave “No Child” Behind -- 12-02-15

Governors Say “Not in My State!” -- 11-25-15

France Closes Its Borders; Why Can’t We? -- 11-18-15

New Speaker Must Reclaim Article One -- 11-11-15

China Needs More Children – And So Do We -- 11-04-15

Public Sector Unions Are Losing Their Clout -- 10-28-15

Trick or Treat? -- 10-21-15

Congress Should Hold Hearings on Fantasy Football -- 10-14-15

The Establishment Looks for a New Plan B -- 10-07-15

Why Obama Won’t Stay at the Waldorf -- 9-30-15

Congress Must Exercise Its Power of the Purse -- 9-23-15

America Has Taken More than Our Share of Refugees -- 9-16-15

Judicial Tyranny in Kentucky -- 9-09-15

Anchor Babies on Trial in Texas -- 9-02-15

Women Still Don’t Belong in Combat -- 8-26-15

Donald Drives the Debate -- 8-19-15

The Iran Deal Betrays America -- 8-12-15

NEA’s Plan to Indoctrinate Schoolchildren -- 8-05-15

The Sanctuary Scandal -- 7-29-15

Planned Parenthood’s Odious Activities -- 7-22-15

Donald Trump Shakes Up the 2016 Campaign -- 7-15-15

Don’t Give Obama More Power Over Schools -- 7-08-15

How Congress Should Respond to Justice Kennedy -- 7-01-15

How Much Diversity Must We Tolerate? -- 6-24-15

No Wonder Obama Won’t Let Us Read TPP -- 6-17-15

Hillary’s Plans to Stuff the Ballot Box in 2016 -- 6-10-15

Adios, America! -- 6-03-15

Crimes Against Your Children -- 5-27-15

Time to Question Presidential Candidates -- 5-20-15

Let’s Get On a Pro-American Track -- 5-13-15

Justice Kennedy Learns a New Word -- 5-06-15

The Real Immigration Issue Is Jobs -- 4-29-15

Candidates Should Read the Republican Platform -- 4-22-15

The Killing in South Carolina -- 4-15-15

What Will the Court Do To Marriage? -- 4-08-15

What’s Happening on College Campuses? -- 4-01-15

The Many Costs of Obama’s Amnesty -- 3-25-15

Looking for the Next President -- 3-18-15

The Toddler Wage Gap and the Mommy Wage Gap -- 3-11-15

How Democrats Plan to Win Elections -- 3-04-15

“It Hit a Nerve” -- 2-25-15

The Costly Asylum Racket -- 2-18-15

Obama Publicly Insults Christians -- 2-11-15

Immigration Handbook for Congressional Republicans -- 2-04-15

Marriage on the Chopping Block? -- 1-28-15

Legislatures Should Curb Judicial Supremacy Over Marriage -- 1-21-15

Fuzzy Math in Unemployment Statistics -- 1-14-15

New Math on College Campuses -- 1-07-15

2014 Columns

Schools Don’t Teach Kids to Read - 12-31-14

The War Against Christians and Even Christmas - 12-24-14

Feds Banish Sex Stereotypes in Classrooms - 12-17-14

The High Cost of Fast Track - 12-10-14

The High Cost of Obama’s Executive Amnesty - 12-03-14

Open Letter to Senator McConnell and Speaker Boehner - 11-26-14

Grubergate Should Spark Hearings by Congress - 11-19-14

What Can We Expect From the New Senate? - 11-12-14

Obama Starts Democrats’ War Against Women - 11-05-14

Illegal Voters May Decide Fate of Senate - 10-29-14

Republicans Need Tools for 2014 Victory - 10-22-14

Stop Disease at the Border - 10-15-14

Obama Fails to Protect Us, Again - 10-08-14

The Best Interest of the Dog - 10-01-14

Who Killed the American Family? - 9-24-14

Immigration Chicanery - 9-17-14

Where’s the Payoff in Gambling? - 9-10-14

Putin Pushes the Envelope - 9-03-14

The Dead-End Road Called Pre-K - 8-27-14

Faulty Ideas about Marriage - 8-20-14

Common Core’s Growing Unpopularity - 8-13-14

Feminists Get Obama to Sue Pennsylvania - 8-06-14

Stunning Setback to Obamacare - 7-30-14

Layoffs Prove the Deceit of Amnesty - 7-23-14

Look Who’s Arriving on the NAFTA Train - 7-16-14

Common Core Becomes a Nightmare - 7-09-14

Americans Lose While Immigrants Gain - 7-2-14

Furor About Plan for Illegal Kids - 6-25-14

Amnesty Lost Big in Cantor’s Defeat - 6-18-14

Growing Rejection of Common Core - 6-11-14

The Racket of Guest Workers - 6-04-14

Window Into the Future - 5-28-14

Semicentennial of LBJ’s War on Poverty - 5-21-14

My Child Is Not Common - 5-14-14

China Overtaking America - 5-07-14

Unexpected Suggestions for Constitutional Changes - 4-30-14

Unmasking the Imperial Presidency - 4-23-14

Facts and Fallacies About Paycheck Fairness - 4-16-14

Was It an April Fool Joke? - 4-09-14

Worst Week for Abortion in 50 Years - 4-02-14

Victory for Honest Elections - 3-26-14

Obamacare Has to Go - 3-19-14

The President’s Grab for Dictatorial Power - 3-12-14

Why Moms Are Protesting Common Core - 3-05-14

National Takeover of School Curriculum - 2-26-14

Obama’s War on the First Amendment - 2-19-14

Let’s Read the Polls About Amnesty - 2-12-14

Sessions Gets Right with the Truth - 2-05-14

Obama’s Pen vs. the Constitution - 1-29-14

Congress Promotes Foreign Jobs - 1-22-14

Obama Betrays U.S. Military Superiority - 1-15-14

Minimum Wage and Welfare: the Tradeoff - 1-08-14

The Magic Words: Credible Fear - 1-01-14

2013 Columns

2012 columns

North Korea’s Wakeup Call - 12-26-12

The UN Wants to Tax Us, Too - 12-19-12

Atheist Attacks on Christmas - 12-12-12

ObamaCare is Not a Sure Thing - 12-05-12

Amnesty Won’t Elect Republicans - 11-28-12

Political Parties Need Rebranding - 11-21-12

Try Bipartisanship About China - 11-14-12

Beware of the Lame Duck Session - 11-07-12

Taking the Right Fork in the Road - 10-31-12

An October Surprise - 10-24-12

Don’t Let Your Vote Be Canceled by Fraud - 10-17-12

Like ObamaCare, Obama Core Is Another Power Grab - 10-10-12

The Election May Be Decided Before November 6 - 10-03-12

Bad Facts about Obama’s Prospects - 9-26-12

The Significance of Party Platforms - 9-19-12

Democrats Have No Plan to Create Jobs - 9-12-12

Labor Day Reminds Us of the Need for Jobs - 9-03-12

Good and Bad Immigration Proposals - 8-29-12

How the Government Breaks Up Marriages - 8-22-12

Why Did Ted Cruz Win the Texas Primary? - 8-15-12

Obama Sabotages Welfare Reform - 8-08-12

The NEA Shows Its Politics - 8-01-12

UN Treaty Mischief on Disabilities - 7-25-12

Let’s Talk About Outsourcing - 7-18-12

One Nation Under Government — Not Under God - 7-11-12

Obama Censors the Declaration of Independence - 7-04-12

Grassley Asks the Right Questions - 6-27-12

The Dream Act Is a Nightmare - 6-20-12

Terminate the Racket of College Loans - 6-13-12

Obama Lunges Toward Global Government - 6-06-12

It’s None of The Government’s Business - 5-30-12

Buy American To Eat Safe - 5-23-12

Defeat Law of the Sea Treaty — Again - 5-16-12

Steve King Stands Up to the “War Against Women” - 5-09-12

Obama Is a Big-Time Law Violator - 5-02-12

Obama Bogged Down by Scandals - 4-25-12

Obama’s War on Women - 4-18-12

Look What’s Going On in Charter Schools - 4-11-12

Islamic Indoctrination in Textbooks - 4-04-12

Spying and Stealing by Communist China - 3-28-12

H-1B Visas Take American Jobs - 3-21-12

We Can’t Separate Social Policy from Tax Law - 3-14-12

Phony Divide Between Fiscal & Social Issues - 3-07-12

Ginsburg Likes Use of Foreign Law - 2-29-12

Obama’s War on Religious Liberty - 2-22-12

Obama Obeys the Feminists Again - 2-15-12

Day of Reckoning for Violence Against Women Act - 2-08-12

Jan Brewer’s photo with Obama - 2-01-12

Unconstitutional Recess Appointments - 1-25-12

We Need Pro-Family Tax Policies - 1-18-12

Bailing out the European Union - 1-11-12

Obama Gives Gambling a Christmas Present - 1-04-12