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Was Governor John Kasich's line-item veto of the heartbeat bill a violation of the Ohio Constitution? Consider our analysis here.

Phyllis and sons with future Energy Secretary Rick Perry

The coalition letter on the upcoming nomination to the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court, to fill Justice's Scalia's seat, continues to attract groups signing on.
UPDATE: "Priebus: Trump likely to name Supreme Court pick around inauguration time." [1]

The "horrible idea" of a Constitutional Convention - the Convention of States. Coming to a state near you - see our chart!

AP reports that the risk of a Con Con increased with GOP majorities in 33 state legislatures due to the election.
See the top ten reasons to oppose a Con Con.

Trump's imminent decision to fill Justice Scalia's vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court: see the chart of potential nominees here.

Donald Trump's Cabinet is the reportedly the most conservative ever.

BREAKING NEWS: Conservative Rick Perry is the leading candidate for Secretary of Energy. [2]
He spoke at Eagle Council 2015 and withdrew his presidential candidacy during his speech.