User:Conservative/Cognitive performance

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Personal development skill sets etc



Accelerated learning

Accelerated learning videos

Accelerated learning and foreign languages

Accelerated learning and coding

Accelerated learning course

Jim Kwik - memory coach and accelerated learning

Reviews of the book Limitless:

Learning faster and retaining more (includes Kindle books)

Memory improvement

See also: Mnemonic


World memory champion statistics



  • The top participants of the annual World Memory Championships regularly demonstrate the ability to memorize hundreds of words, digits, or other abstract information units within minutes.
  • Of the 23 athletes, 17 participated in a word learning task under fMRI conditions where they demonstrated their superior memory abilities compared to controls (70.8 ± 0.6 versus 39.9 ± 3.6 of 72 words correctly recalled 20 min after encoding; median, 72 versus 41; Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p < 0.001, r = 0.62).
  • Brain changes: "Memory skills strongly differ across the general population; however, little is known about the brain characteristics supporting superior memory performance. Here we assess functional brain network organization of 23 of the world’s most successful memory athletes and matched controls with fMRI during both task-free resting state baseline and active memory encoding. We demonstrate that, in a group of naive controls, functional connectivity changes induced by 6 weeks of mnemonic training were correlated with the network organization that distinguishes athletes from controls."
  • True to their name, the memory champions missed only two words on average when recalling the list 20 minutes later, whereas their controls missed nearly half.

Increasing concentration

Thou shall think clearly and creatively. Thou shall not commit logical fallacies.




Favorite book on critical thinking

  • The Thinker's Way by John Chaffee, Ph.D., Little, Brown and Company; First Edition (October 1, 1998)

Favorite website dealing with thinking, critical thinking and logical fallacies

Logical fallacies


Cognitive distortions/biases

Creative thinking tools

Idea generation

1. 10 ideas in 10 minutes

2. Ideation: Brainstorming & Sketching

3. Thought Showers: Group Problem Solving

4. Write a list of 101 ideas. Open your word processor and write a laundry list of at least 101 ideas to deal with your situation. Go wild and write whatever you can think of without restricting yourself. Do not stop until you have at least 101 (Source: 25 Useful Brainstorming Techniques).

5. Mindmap

6. The Meta Sequence

"Deep (Research & Define) - The more information you expose yourself to, the more your brain has to work with. Deep dive before an ideation session and define the objective.

Wide (Creative & Divergent) - Try to minimise critical evaluation while brainstorming and exploring new ideas. Creative insights are helped by a mindset of playful curiosity.

Narrow (Critical & Convergent) - Use objective evaluation criteria where possible. The best ideas are vulnerable as they don’t conform to expectations; so don’t use critical analysis to leave only the safest ideas standing, but to find out which challenging ideas might actually be viable.

Up (Synthesise & Iterate) - Once you have an idea that works, it’s tempting to cling to it. However, the best ideas often come from having the curiosity and courage to push beyond what works to something more interesting. Keep playing to find a deeper synthesis."[1]

7. Wiktionary: Use random stimuli like reading out words from the dictionary to provoke a response, or try using the last letter of one word as the starting letter for another word. Use Free-association to generate words and concepts to spark connections.[2]

8. Mind map Write your objective in a bubble in the middle of a page and branch out nested and associated ideas to uncover new perspectives as stimuli. Try putting your mind map on the wall while brainstorming.[3]

9. Meta-sequence

Deep - Research / Define The greater the amount of informationo one exposes oneself to, the more the mind has to work with… Deep dive before an idea generation session and define the objective.

Wide - Creative / Divergent Try to minimize critical evaluation while brainstorming and instead explore new ideas. Creative insights are aided by a mindset of playful curiosity.

Narrow - Critical / Convergent Use objective evaluation criteria when possible. The best ideas are vulnerable as they don’t conform to expectations; so don’t use critical analysis to leave the safest ideas still standing, but to find out which challenging ideas may actually be viable.

Up - Synthesize / Iterate Once you discover an idea that works, it’s tempting to cling to it too tightly. However, the best ideas frequently come from having the curiosity and moral courage to push beyond what works to something that is more interesting and promising. Keep playing to find a deeper synthesis.[4]

Persepective shifts

1. Inversion

2. Another's shoes

3. Recontext

4. No limits

5. Extremify

6. Challenge

Learning faster and remembering more

Problem solving

File:2128339616 19664c7895.jpg
"The first to plead his case seems right, Until another comes and examines him." - Solomon, (Proverbs 18:17 NASB)

Ray Dalios 5 steps to success (problem solving included):


Systems thinking:

George Polya's 4 steps to problem solving:


Problem solving Videos

General problem solving:

Mind mapping:

Lateral thinking:

Creative problem solving:



Multiple strategies

Creativity / Innovation

International Center for Studies in Creativity:

Now here:

CNN - Next, innovation:

Innovation articles:

Ray Dalio: Be radically open-minded:

Books on creativity:

Strategic thinking

"The history of war proves that nine out of ten times an army has been destroyed because its supply lines have been cut off...”. - General Douglas MacArthur

Personal strategic plan


Creating a personal strategic plan:

Personal balance assessment:

Personal strategic plan: workbooks, checklists, etc.:

Strategic and tactical thinking

File:Sun Tzu portrait.jpg
"Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate." - Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu:

George Washington:

"Washington’s true genius as a military leader was his refusal to give up. He was also very much inclined as a leader to listen to the other military leaders around him. Invariably, he adopted the consensus of opinion reached by his military advisers in making his decisions. Unlike flashier generals, Washington was always able to maintain a steady demeanor and, most importantly, keep his army in being. A lesser general would have risked all for a spectacular but non-decisive victory against the British. As a leader who valued winning the war more than winning individual battles, Washington knew well that time was on his side given the realities of geography and the larger geopolitical situation." - Command and Control, Great Military Leaders from Washington to the 21st Century by Mark R. Polelle

"Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all." - George Washington

Sun Tzu and marketing:

Sun Tzu and business:

Communication, marketing and PR

Dunning-Kruger effect

Reading comprehension improvement

Reading comprehension strategies


Strategic reading:

General books/DVDs:

Reading comprehension assessment and strategies

Metacognition strategies

What is intelligence

What is IQ or intelligence?

When we use the term intelligence, we usually refer to academic or cognitive intelligence. Cognitive ability is defined as the mental capacity to do the following:

  • Storing and retrieving information
  • Problem-solving
  • Reading
  • Abstract thinking
  • Reasoning
  • Complex idea thinking
  • Planning
  • Learning from experience[5]

Difference between smart and brilliant/wise people

Habits of intelligent people

Intelligence and memory

Signs/traits of intelligence

IQ and general success in life

“After surveying over a thousand rich folk in The Millionaire Mind, Thomas J. Stanley tells us that the typical millionaire had an average GPA and frugal spending habits — but good interpersonal skills.” - Entertainment Weekly

Higher IQ and its effect on your life:

Boosting IQ

Problems that can occur with someone with a very high IQ in terms of social ability


Curse of the High IQ:

Book reviews:


Brain health and mental performance

See also: Academic performance and nutrition

IQ and reaction times and longevity and mood:


IQ and fitness:

IQ and Omega 3 blood levels:

Combined effects of Omega 3 and exercise:

Salmon and sardines trump fish oil:

Mercury levels and fish:

Vegetable sources of DHA:

Brain nutrition:

Brain exercises

Brain workouts - better than coffee!:

BrainHQ (most heavily researched to show benefits)





3 Brain Control Device to Focus Invention Ideas you MUST have

12 cognitive tasks from Cambridge Brain Sciences:

12 cognitive tasks from Cambridge Brain Sciences


Fun mental workout software:

Brain health - brain exercises - free online tests

Stroop test online:

Brain health and supernatural healing

Brain and mental performance

Chess and increasing intelligence

See also: Chess and increasing mental performance

Chess presents interesting intellectual challenges. It is said that: "Chess has an advantage over most school subjects: it combines both theory and practice. Ideas are honed and tested in the crucible of competitive play. Poor formulation or poor execution of ideas loses games. Careless, faulty thinking is ruthlessly refuted on the chessboard."[6]

According to "Playing chess can improve cognitive skills like memory, planning, and problem-solving. It may also help reduce symptoms of certain brain conditions.[1]

Some countries, particularly nations like Uzbekistan from the former Soviet Union, promote chess as a fundamental aspect of learning and mental development.

Bobby Fischer

Bobby Fischer and Bible reading: Earlier in life he mentioned that "I can remember times coming home from a chess club at four in the morning when I was half asleep and half dead and forcing myself to pray an hour and study (the Bible) an hour. You know, I was half out of my head-stoned almost."[7]

File:Bobby Fischer smiling 1972.jpg
Bobby Fischer in Amsterdam, Jan. 1, 1972


File:Fischer wideweb 430x408.jpg
Bobby Fischer playing chess against Boris Spassky in 1974.


Journal articles on chess and increasing mental performance

External links


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